Thursday, April 10, 2014

Doppelganger sadness...

In other break-up news,  the slightly better looking doppelgangers of Kimye; Naya Rivera and Big Sean tossed the carcass of their engagement into a shallow grave in the woods.

Naya and Big Sean


Naya is best known for her exquisite bitch face as Santana on Glee. Big Sean, as far as I can tell, is best known for being engaged to Naya. Rumor is that Big Sean could not keep his swagga contained to his fiancee, he thought Naya was too controlling - read: no naughty times with skanky groupies.  To Big Sean that that was just too cruel a rule, but "he wishes Naya the best" after he stole a Rolex watch from her house, according to her twitter acct (side note- how much do you think PR people hate twitter, I'm guessing with the fire of a thousand suns).  It's all good Naya, you got that Glee cheddar, you don't need no scrub, bringing you down.

Granted, Glee went off the rails for me a while ago, I haven't watched since the 2nd season. I do dream of a Glee spin-off featuring Sue Sylvester and Santana that is just a solid hour of them trying to out-bitch the other, periodically you could bring on Labradoodle Mr. Shue and see who could make him cry first. I'd set my DVR for that.

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