Tuesday, May 13, 2014

MaCaulay Culkin Goes Meta

Draco Malfoy's hipster cousin, Macaulay Culkin posted this pic to Instagram;

'Member me?

sporting this Russian nesting doll of a  T-shirt representing the way things could have gone.  On his shirt is a pic of hipster on the hot side of the scale, Ryan Gosling wearing a T-shirt with Culkin's pre-meth mug emblazoned on it.

Yeah, take that in...

Mind - Blown

That is some deep shit. The Gos and Macscruffy were both precocious blonde child actors, but one turned out to be the guy you dream about, while the other became the guy you get your pepper spray out for.

I'm not sure if Macscruffy is punking himself or us...

Apparently he posted this picture to promote his Velvet Underground inspired band...The Pizza Underground...wow, really?!?  The Pizza Underground?!?! *sigh*  Annnd just like that, this just became more sad than funny.

I totally would have gone with "The Filthy Animals"...

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