Thursday, January 15, 2015


Calvin Klein released their new underwear ads, featuring Justin Bieber.  Almost simultaneously, the internet released the untouched photo's.



I never realized what dainty lady hands the Biebs has,
like two tiny fluttering birds...
What???  You weren't surprised?  Me, neither.  Even prior to the "before" shots being released, it's kinda obvious.  His tiny head on that body in the "after" shot...don' think so.

By itself, the fact that the angry toddler was photoshopped to look all growed up is not worth blogging about, what's fun is his reaction.  Look, Photoshop is the thing nowadays, we all know that ALL ads are "touched up".  (If you don't know that, and truly believe everything you see in advertising, see me after class...only safety scissors for you from now on, mmmkay?) Most celebs just keep it coy, collect their paycheck and move on. Not the Biebs, nope - his approach is DENY, DENY, DENY then bring in the lawyers.  

Bieber's delicate, child-like fingers have been flying across his phone texting his lawyers to SUE THEM ALL and proclaiming on his social media accounts that the ads are 110% truth and sooooooo not the result of the countless hours and permanently disfigured mouse hands of Calvin Klein's Photoshop team.

Good luck with that, shortstack.

Ah, Biebs - you're always good for a giggle.

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